The company recently raised Rs 8 crore in debt capital, Rs 5 crore from Wint Wealth (Ambium Finserve) and impacted debt capital of Rs 3 crore from Caspian. is a healthcare-focused fintech startup focused on providing smart financing solutions to the healthcare industry. The company recently raised Rs 8 crore in debt capital, Rs 5 crore from Wint Wealth (Ambium Finserve) and an impact debt capital of Rs 3 crore from Caspian.
Sidak Singh, Co-Founder,, said, “Since our inception, we have witnessed remarkable growth and this funding will help us further increase the size of our portfolio. During the last financial year, we witnessed a 4x growth in total disbursements, reaching cumulative disbursements. of INR 400Cr. This marks an important step in bringing needed change in the healthcare-fintech space. We listen to market and patient issues, so our solutions help optimize the operational side, especially for insurance. at a time when patients are eager to finalize their payments and go home. The idea is to help healthcare providers focus on delivering healthcare while we take care of their operational challenges (or by optimizing operational processes we enable healthcare providers to focus on patient care). while we manage the operational and financial complexities) and we can see that it is now emerging as a fast-growing ecosystem and we hope to continue to improve it. has achieved a milestone by receiving an NBFC license in just two years of operation. “We are currently focused on two major things: strengthening the team with the right talent and focusing on the expansion and growth of the business. We currently work with over 50 renowned hospitals and have helped over 2,000 patients with their claims. the funding will help us further increase our market presence and invest in improving healthcare fintech, especially to optimize the operational end of hospital management,” shared Vikrant Agrawal, Co-Founder, Care .fi.